Seniors Chimaltenango,Guatemala

Seniors Chimaltenango,Guatemala


Make a donation.

As a fellow member of the Guatemala Chimaltenango community, I am writing to share news of an important initiative recently suggested at the monthly town meeting. A group of residents, including myself and my family, instigated a discussion about the need for the senior home that's running of donation from town residents and is lacking supplies, medications, and more within our community. Currently, the town is lacking essential for seniors in their facility that lack living essentials more. Of course, this situation places several residents at a significant disadvantage; thus the problem must be resolved.

After a good deal of discussion, residents at the town meeting decided to initiate a private fundraising campaign to attract attention to the cause and to collect funds to assist the town is paying for the necessary renovations and essentials. Thus, in the hope that you will connect with our cause, we have enclosed with this letter a brochure describing the situation and the need. We have also enclosed a donation form, and we hope you will consider contributing

We thank you for your understanding and willingness to transform our community into a better home for all of its residents.




How would the donater’s know where the money has been sent?

We are sending every donation to the manager of the senior home she will keep us updated with

what donations have helped them with and send us photos. We will upload photos or send them to you personally.

Can we see photos or information on the senior center ?

The senior center has their own Facebook account where they post they’ll post photos and would ask for donations. ( Facebook account information will be sent to donates privately )

For a faster update we will post photos they’ll send to us on our Instagram following the hashtag #Barbii’sBeautyDonations


Thank you for everyone who helped donate to her and her family. She’s a single mother who couldn’t make ends meet for her sons surgery. Thank you all for donating. Don’t forget your donations doubles in blessings.